minomushi exploit
Q1 minomushi exploitと何ですか?
とあるPSPゲームに存在するsavedata exploitです。
Q2 ゲーム名は何ですか?
Q3 リリース時期はいつ頃ですか?
Q4 体験版はありますか?
Q5 PSN、BEST販売はありますか?
Q6 何故動画がHello worldでは、無いのですか?
色々とありまして、今忙しくて、Hello worldを、作っている時間がないのです。
しかし、もうすぐ落ち着きますので、steelcan氏とHello worldを作っていきたいと思います。
About minomushi exploit translated by Mamosuke(mamosuke氏による翻訳)
This savegame exploit was found by me('minomushi') and my friend 'steelcan'.
Now I will answer your questions about my minomushi exploit. Here We Go!
Q1 What is the minomushi exploit?
This is a savegame exploit with buffer over-flow.
Q2 What is a name of the game?
Not open to the public yet.
Q3. When will it be released?
Not decided yet. I would not do it before Sony would kill our Golf exploit.
Q4. Is there a demo version of it?
Now I don't understand about it. May be not.
Q5. How about a downloadable version from PSN or Greatest Hits version?
Now I don't understand about it,too. May be not.
Q6. Can you code a 'Hello World' with your exploit?
Now I don't have enough time to do it because now is too busy.
But I am going to make 'Hello World' a few week after.
I contacted Mamosuke, admin of GameGaz forum you know, and he has confirmed it is real exploit.
That's all now i can tell you now. You can post comment when you have some questions.